Using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, I created a coloured digital fan comic of the protagonist, Byleth and one of the main characters, Dimitri from the strategy and simulation video game, Fire Emblem Three House.
This fan art aims to make a completed comic for the first time and use more symbols, especially flowers. When I read a Korean romance digital comic, I'm No Heroine!, I found that it used flowers as a background to make the character feel more attractive or the atmosphere more romantic. In the first scene with flowers, I used Jasmine and Echeveria Pink Ruby as symbols of Dimitri's stubbornness and pure love of not wanting to let go of Byleth, as (2022) stated. In the last scene, I used these red flowers called Primrose, which represents this undying love, in a way that you cannot live without your significant other, according to Sengwe (2022)'s article. In this case, it expressed the strong love and obsession that Dimitri feel about Byleth., 2022. How stubborn are you in your relationship? Retrieved June 30, 2023, from你在感情裡有多固執-選個喜歡的花朵-看看你為何老是為了愛而-遍體鱗傷-034052222.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALMxHg6WapnXi8egDZvVkCE85KUDTbQOMHOVPzJWwrG9W4wqxQfbpB55uvIGmzup_jhUR372C9IYsS5tQLes_WIRsVUEhW_LMySJW2yXbMQuf568UliDNWMh30LUKZR-jqJbDF3GQ16ucuT6XObI8uSdUB4I4YB8yjKb_wDF31RM
Sengwe, S. 2022. 12 Flowers That Mean Love (& No, We’re Not Just Talking About Roses). Retrieved June 30, 2023, from,can%27t%20live%20without%20them.
Using Adobe Illustrator, I create Instagram posts for promoting my comic with my brand guideline designs. Which, Instagram and Twitter aren't good tools for posting a 10-page comic, because the page size won't match the Instagram post system. So I decided to create promotional social media posts to promote my comic artwork on the other site, Pixiv.
In the design, I used my brand colour, bright cyan, purple and white to create the post and apply them with smooth and curved shapes. However, the black dark book cover can hardly fit with my brand colour in the beginning, so I add some black and grey text in the mix to make it look natural with my designs.